Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Other Half of Another Then and Now

Again, I play with an old piece from nearly four years ago, a piece whose other half recently became a birthday card while this half becomes a postcard to send to my dad. Alone in my studio, I get completely lost in the textured richness of creating a tiny world on a few square inches of paper. I confess I will feel a little tug of loss when I place it in my mailbox to begin its journey away from me to Maine. Away though it will go, I will cherish and hold onto the little gift of gain that comes from becoming aware of how much making I have done in the past four years—I am delighted by the ways in which the get-messy exploration of those years infuses itself into this revised piece.

A Sequestered Saturday Morning
4 x 6"; acrylic, oil pastel, and collage on drawing paper,
mounted on card stock
2020 upgrade of a 2016 piece


carol edan said...

You are an expert of making a complete world in a 4 x 6 postcard! How did to achieve the knitted texture effect?

dotty seiter: now playing said...

thanks, Carol—I do love creating me a complete world in no space at all! knitted texture effect: cement board drywall seam tape

Lola (Jen Jovan) said...

I am always agog at your ability to create these tiny worlds....and they look so BIG on the screen! You are sending a tiny bit of magic out into the cosmos when you pop this one in the mail. :)

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Grateful for your agoggination—I do so love to create those tiny BIG worlds; they are as big as any big can be somehow. Love the idea of my popping such a little big into the mail to pop its little- and bigness all the way to Maine.

Sheila said...

LOVE! Wow! the light and depth in your wonderful textured, outstanding, orb!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Sheila, you wake me up to my work with your attention to light, depth, texture, and, especially, that word orb—very evocative of something beyond language. Thanks!

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