Sunday, May 24, 2020

Postcard Art

The word consolation came to my notice recently and found a resting place in me.


Alleviation of misery or distress of mind, mitigation of grief or anxiety; from Old French consolacion: solace, comfort, delight, pleasure.

All of the above! Turning my full focus to developing this 4 x 6" bit of real estate—a lovely rectangle of high caliber card stock—alleviated all that which needed alleviating, replaced all distress of mind with delight and pleasure.

I started this postcard while in a place of angst and melancholy, and I experienced some discord and disappointment at points during the early stages.

However, working small, which might seem to imply fussy or finicky or confined, proved to be heart-opening, expansive, and infinite—consoling beyond measure. A welcome happenstance!

Open to Whatever the Heavens Have on Offer
4 x 6" postcard on card stock;
acrylic, fabric ink, pencil, acrylic skin, print collage, and tissue paper collage
Can you see the eensy weensy print collage pieces enlarged here?
Even magnified, none of the words may be readable,
 and if you look back at the piece as a whole
(top photo, unmagnified)
you may not even be able to tell that you're looking at typeface,
but those six little snippets of print collage
so delight me!


carol edan said...

You are a MASTER at small art! So much in so little!Love the snippets of text and looked for them in the full image which is also larger than original on my monitor. Love the black marks holding everything together!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

ooo, always grateful for your feedback, Carol! Thanks especially for your comment about the black marks holding everything together. Those are acrylic skins. Love using them. I totally got into the limitlessness of small here, IN FLOW. This was a hard one to let go of and send off in the mail. Attachment, attachment!

Lola (Jen Jovan) said...

This is delightful! And those microscopic bits of text.....I want to shrink down to a size that can read and explore them. :) So happy that you found some consolation in the creating of this tiny beauty. xo

dotty seiter: now playing said...

omg, let me know if you're able to do an Alice-through-the looking-glass shrinking act! Love the thought of becoming an appropriate size to be able to have that microscopic text as though it were a size 12 font!

Sheila said...

LOVE! I know I say that a lot. But I mean it! Little avatar worlds here, connected by pathways. Words to guide and words to chronicle. LOVE xoxoxox

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Suddenly shapes and designs have a story, life being lived—little avatar worlds connected by pathways, with words to guide and worlds to chronicle. Brilliant, Sheila!

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