Thursday, January 30, 2020

Complaint Department

Complaining comes naturally to me.

Totally second nature.

A ready default response to all manner of circumstances, no circumstance too small.

Hold that thought, and picture me waiting in the checkout line at Stop & Shop overhearing the following conversation between Louise the checker and the customer ahead of me.

Louise: Hi, how are you? 

Customer: Nothing to complain about.

Graphic-novel-style thought bubble above my head:





Gratitude/simple pleasures:
• the quiet sifting-down-from-the-sky of just-barely-accumulating snow;
• the reflection on windows above the kitchen sink of metallic decorations from Emmy's 10th birthday party, creating the illusion of flickering colored lights on the leafless pear tree in the back yard; and
• remembering from Camp Takodah days this breakfast-time 200-voice-strong chant—
     ToDAY I'm going to be happy,  
     ToDAY I'm going to be glad,
     ToDAY is the day that's GOing to be,
     The BEST day I ever had!

yet another layer of pasta-pot steam on the window; WIP


Lola (Jen Jovan) said...

OMG totally cracking up over here about your take on the check-out line conversation! ha! And now I want to make you a thought bubble to carry with you to the store...

That next layer - holy macaroni! Delicious.

carol edan said...

A dragon has decided he wants some of your pasta! Amazing! In Hebrew the answer might have been "room for improvement"
I love your chant much better.

Sheila said...

Sigmund the (green) Sea Monster. He was always having happy accidents. LOL :) xoxoxo

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Loving that my complaint department post is resonating! Oh, I totally need a reusable thought bubble to carry in my reusable grocery bag when I do my weekly grocery shopping!!! LOL at your pasta punning : )

dotty seiter: now playing said...

oooo, a pasta-partaking dragon! Carol, love your poking around noticing images where I didn't think to do so. Glad you like the chant : )

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Happy accidents, indeed, Sheila! That's what creating is all about, as Sigmund would no doubt agree.

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