Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Collage Paper?

I like engaging in what I think of as the 'exquisite tension' of working a crossword puzzle or writing a haiku, accepting and embracing the limits and working within them assiduously to bring into bloom what the constraints call for—a six-letter word for prehistoric monument, fourth letter m, for example, or using five + seven + five syllables to express a thought or feeling with tight precision.

Here at Lyme Camp:
• limits—plentiful
• assiduous effort—plentiful
• tension—plentiful
• exquisite—less plentiful, since exquisite is in direct one-to-one correspondence with my acceptance (or lack thereof) of limits!

Two days ago, I worked within the begrudgingly-tolerated limits—cursing them more than once—of a few minutes, a few tubes of paint, an old book, and my finger as a paintbrush.

Collage paper?

Gratitude/simple pleasures:
• shoveling snow—purposeful, productive, practical exercise! fresh air! beauty every which way!;
• two surprise packages for me in the mail; and
• the grace of Meg's and my laughing in surrender last evening at the day's messy mix of foibles and accomplishments and rough edges and tendernesses and wooziness and failed efforts and vats of soup and indecision and tears and hugs.

Inexquisite Tension
playing with acrylic on a book page


carol edan said...

Alive with momentum and fiery spirit! I see a figure, top left, watching over you all.

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Love that you see a figure here! I don't know if I'm seeing what you see, but now I see a figure where before I saw nothing beyond some colors and scribbles.

I was happy to have some momentum and fiery spirit manifest here. Very challenging for me to work under current conditions.

Simone said...

How wonderful you can stay present with all this intensity and paint!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Just barely able to do so! Grateful for your encouragement and noticing. Each time I DO paint, so glad : )

Lola (Jen Jovan) said...

"exquisite tension" - yes! OMG! And here you are, painting with what you have, finding joy in the foibles and still writing with that incredible creative voice of yours....xo

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Thank you for this megadose of Vit C (Vit Cheerleading)—just exactly what I need, Jen! Looking for today's joy, I am, in the great grand swirl of all that surrounds me : )

Sheila said...

Excitement or angst. Tension or hurried activity. I see several "almost" faces. Guardian angels perhaps? Sometimes they like to work behind the scenes, and go unnoticed. :) Love the touches of yellow... new life blooming :) Bravo Dotty :)

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