When I studied with [D],
he’d offer close critiques of what I’d written
and then put my story aside and say,
“But I might be wrong.
And it really doesn’t matter.
The only thing that matters
is that you write your ass off.”
—Brian Morton, Tasha: A Son’s Memoir
And so it is with any creative pursuit, I think.
Even having come to understand that learning to paint happens by painting, and that the more I paint the more I learn, I can never get enough reminders and encouragement to just paint 'my ass off.'
Blue Skies for Days 3 x 3"; acrylic and collage on watercolor paper abstract design 2023 |
The composition of this one just hits me in the most delicious place of satisfaction. Xo (from Lola)
Yes, the only thing that matters is that we DO THE WORK! something I have to remember! The fuchsia strip with the echo in the circles, wonderful!
Lola, your response to this pieces just hits ME in the most delicious place of satisfaction! Pure magic in the wonder of creating something that resonates with the inner eye of the artist and then also resonates with the eye of the beholder, and perhaps for entirely different reasons!
Carol, SO buoying to have you notice and appreciate the fuchsia strip with its echo in the circles—I'd thought this piece might be 'done' at one point b/f I added the circles, but my gut told me it needed a final something, and the fuschia circles were the answer. I used the empty plastic core from a roll of scotch tape, and I liked the unexpected way that implement wouldn't allow for 'precise' circles.
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