Monday, June 6, 2022

Human Design

I am a constellation of energy centers, often soaring high, with several centers designed to generate consistency from within, and others designed to be sensitive to outer energetics and influences.

Each day I wake and fly and navigate the fullness of life.

The navigation plays out up-close-and-personal when I paint. Here, the journey from a few lines to a resolved composition was one of constant interplay between inner constancies and outer impacts, a call-and-response (and-response-and-response-and-call-and-response-and-call) of some duration, much questioning, and considerable perceived ugliness en route, all brought in time to balance.

Deep in Inner Space, Extraordinary Knowing
3.5 x 8"; acrylic and oil pastel on drawing paper, 
mounted on card stock


Carolyn said...

Dotty, I keep wishing you were working on a large or even a massive scale, like the LNG tanks in Boston by Sister Mary Corita Kent. Honestly, I could look over and over at your colors and lines and the way they interact and connect without losing my sense of wonder. Magnificent!

Sheila said...

So blessed and grateful that you share your amazing journey with us. :) Islands of serenity. Globs of bouncy joy. Sunny shores and fireflies to lead the way. Love your wanderings, Dotty. :)

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Carolyn! Thank you for your enthusiasm, your feedback re visual language, and the invitation to paint large, i.e. massive! I do have some large canvases …

This little snippet of a piece caused massive struggle in the making. I seriously considered jumping ship more than once when I couldn't envision a way out of the mess I was in, but I've found my way through many prior messes, so I stayed curious about what might lift this one up to a place of resolution.

It's currently traveling via USPS to granddaughter Emmy with a letter from me written on the back.

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Sheila, I am blessed and grateful to have you share my journey and I am blessed and grateful that you share yours!

Love that you see fireflies! They were late to the party; well, maybe not late but they took a bunch of time to go through the early life cycle stages of egg, larva, and pupa before maturing into adults who could light the way for this painting : )

carol edan said...

Your art work and your prose work together and apart. "Each day I wake and fly and navigate the fullness of life." a Quote that I have to remember and live by! I love the energetic movement of this piece, which also has a calming feel!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Carol, thanks for your feedback on the interplay between my art work and prose as well as your observation that they work both together and apart. Thanks, too, for your perception of both energy and calm in this piece : )

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