Friday, February 14, 2020


I live on the North Shore of Boston not far from the picturesque coastal New England town of Marblehead, Massachusetts.

A regional expression we use as a way to acknowledge the sudden realization of something obvious:

Dawn breaks over Marblehead!

I pause this morning to evaluate the day-after-day frustration of trying to get decent photos of book pages I've painted, pages that I leave bound in the book, pages that curl up, won't lie flat, have shadows near the binding, and so forth.

Dawn breaks over my hard stony head: I can step back and let go of perfect!

To Wake When All Is Possible
Before the Agitations of the Day Grip You
7 x 9"; acrylic and hand-painted collage


carol edan said...

Enjoy the imperfect! I think the ten is Wabi Sabi! Your description comes so close to home! Love this new balancing act.

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Wabi Sabi: yes! exactly! Perfect précis of my embrace of imperfect here, Carol : )

Lola (Jen Jovan) said...

What a fun expression! I may have to borrow the winter here, there is little sun to rise over anything. And when there is, those little glimpses of sun are known as sun breaks or "sucker holes" - because we all run outside believing it will last for more than a minute. Ha ha!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

sucker holes ha ha ha! thanks for the terrific back-atcha of a pnw regionalism : )

Sheila said...

Fun post Dotty, and comments. LOL :) I have so many "duh" moments. Haha. I love the shapes, the teetering, the colors. :) Fun :)

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Sheila, thanks for your feedback. Fun to have you mention the teetering—what was engaging in the composing was setting up IMPLIED teetering that would never actually take place b/c of a little bit of glue! Somehow it speaks to the experience that I assume we all have at least occasionally of nearly falling—literally or metaphorically—but then in fact regaining some measure of balance instead.

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