Sunday, February 9, 2020

Baby Steps, Baby Steps

I think my perception in college was that the kids taking art classes were already artists, the ones taking poetry classes were already poets. How was it that I didn't really get that students take classes to study? That they choose to reach into new and unknown places to learn new things? That anyone can take an art class?

I could feel regret now, looking back.

But, no worries! If I don't learn something one way I usually learn it another way. And mostly not in classes designed to instruct me in something I specifically set out to learn. Rather, if I stay open-hearted and curious, learning is there for the learning just about anywhere and anytime.

Actually, when it comes down to it, open-hearted and curious are not even prerequisites.

Lessons have a way of finding me.

A recent 'art lesson' appeared embedded in the neural retraining seminar in which the concept of incremental training was addressed. While extreme avoidance may decrease symptoms in the short term, in the long run, it may actually be reinforcing the fear association to the stimulus. Incremental training can be broken down into very simple terms: determine the ways you currently feel limited; then be creative in the ways you work with that challenge.

So, yeah, art class. Anywhere, anytime.

an increment; work in progress
another increment; work in progress
another increment; work in progress


Simone said...

It is SOOOO beautiful! I love it!

carol edan said...

Tiny steps make big steps! Para para!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Hi, Simone! Thank you. Started with shapes, colors; had no 'idea' of aiming for anything in particular. But then … look where I began heading.

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Precisely: tiny steps add up! Thanks, Carol!

Lola (Jen Jovan) said...

OMG Dotty! This is luscious!!!!!! Small steps - BIG IMPACT! Woot!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

… and looking fear directly in the eye! (just read your blogpost—we're on a synchronistic wavelength today!).

Sheila said...

LOVE this post, your curious heart, your ART! Bravo Dotty!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Hey, Sheila, thanks! Hard to imagine now a time when art was not part of my every day.

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