Today is my friend Martha's birthday*. We met
fifty a number of years ago at the American School in London when we each moved from our respective Stateside homes to live in London for our last year of high school.
Because Martha is an active tree-loving member of—and top-drawer volunteer for—Friends of Trees in tree-loving Portland OR where she lives, I sent her a nifty book about trees to celebrate her birthday.
Because I am a painter who loves to paint bookmarks that coordinate with books, I also wanted to paint a bookmark to pair with her tree book.
So, the 'problem' needing a solution in my studio became how to paint a tree on a skinny little strip of heavy weight card stock.
My hubby Dave had recently brought home a now-outdated 2017 horticultural calendar, thinking I might like to add it to my art supplies. I had recently been been undertaking some serious household decluttering and thought,
Add to the paper in our home? Have I not been trying to reduce and recycle? But I accepted his thoughtful pass-along.
And good thing I did, because it triggered
such a fun creative adventure.
I pulled this unlikely page from the calendar, with its photo of a ground plant looking like no tree I know of in Portland (though what do
I know about trees in Portland? not much):
I tore pieces from the calendar page and completely collaged my bookmark substrate, thinking to use negative space painting to … do something, though heck if I knew what.
This was one of those pieces, though, that then magically propelled itself forward. I showed up, and the universe and I collaborated.
So. Much. Fun.
Instead of painting negative space, I added loose, intuitive, India ink mark-making on top of the glued collage.
Then pops of blue oil pastel to create depth.
Next, more collage, this time tiny bits to create foreground.
After that, hmm, needed some gentle differentiations in visual texture, wanted to maybe add some text collage, but the text I had was all printed on white paper—too jarring, what to do?
The calendar—the calendar! the one I considered refusing!—offered up print on green paper. Awesome.
I kept coming in close, stepping back, coming in close, stepping back.
The bookmark eventually nudged me and said: Yo! We need a little contrast here.
OK, OK. I grabbed a metal skewer thingy I have, poked it into the mouth of a tube of burnt sienna acrylic, thinking, complementary color … or close enough. Dabbed bits of burnt sienna onto the bookmark with the skewer.
Stepped back.
Oh my gosh!
I was in a tree.
This is one of my favorites ever—loved the process, love the product, love that it celebrates Martha.
Happy birthday, cherished friend : )
On a Hot Summer Day, You Turn down Our Street and Feel like You're Entering a Cool, Green Tunnel
1.5x6.25"; acrylic, India ink, oil pastel, and collage on heavy card stock
[gifted] |
detail |
* Martha will want me to point out that even though we are now the 'same age' as each other, she is, in fact, nine months younger than I. Duly noted.