Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Unexpected in the Intentional

I'm basking in bright, higher-in-the-sky-everyday sunlight streaming right now through a skylight onto my face.

I'm also basking in the unexpected that pops up out of the intentional when I paint. 

The intentional: I can't bear to wash away even a small bit of unused paint when I'm working in my studio so I very intentionally make use of it one way or another. Recently, I've been skittering from one project to another, playing with multiple tiny-art projects and one 36 x 36" canvas that's nearly finished. As I work on the tiny art, I inevitably end up with a bit of extra paint in my brush or on my palette and tiny paintings that would become overworked if I subjected them to any more paint. What I've ended up doing several times is taking the extra paint and finding a place for it in my evolving 36 x 36.

The unexpected: If not for the intent to waste no paint, I would never think to purposely use many of the colors I've been offloading to the 36 x 36, but I am bewitched and gladdened by the surprise of how that painting is coming alive.

detail, work in progress
unexpected pops of periwinkle!


Sheila said...

WOW! Love the pops! :)

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Thanks, Sheila.

Now that I've posted, I'm laughing at this in-your-face detail which looks to be a little bit of a hot mess. It represents 4 square inches without the calming effect of the other 1,292 square inches in this painting … which WILL be revealed someday soon : )

Joany Kendra said...

You are definitely your father’s daughter; waste not, want not. I LOVE this painting!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Totally loving that you made the connection to Mack. I am definitely a waste-not kinda gal : )

Perks me right up to hear that you LOVE this painting! I struggled with it for a long time and wasn't at all sure it would come to resolution but it has. I need to varnish it, and then I think it'll be ready for show and tell.

THANK YOU for commenting—I'm impressed you even gave it a try given your track record with the cyber gods.

carol edan said...

Just adding a lot of history! Love!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

SO much history! Love adding it : )

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