I sit in the living room of my grandparents' home in Connecticut as a child of maybe seven years. An ironing board is set up in front of a television. My grandmother's part-time housekeeper, Bertha, presses a hot iron to dampened cloth, creates hisses of responding steam, and brings each item of clothing to crisp wrinkle-free majesty while I am simultaneously introduced for the first time to a soap opera, As the World Turns.
As the world turns, and turn it does, change is the name of the game. As 'my' bit of this world has turned, a year has now passed since my last 'routine' overnight visit to hang out with my dad in his home in Maine. An emotional touchpoint. So many changes.
detail, work in progress one change after another as I move along |
š My aunt introduced me to soaps the same summer she introduced me to romance novels. She had stacks, and I loved to read.
LOL! My introduction to soaps was purely incidental, I think, and it may have been decades before I saw one again! No memory of when I might have learned of romance novels, but they didn't grab me.
Change is really the name of the game... the minute we think we are "in the routine" the routine turns upside down. Intriguing play of blues, greens and orange. As usual your teases intrigue.
Change, of course, is forever and always the name of the game, whether we recognize it or not, honor it or not. My painting efforts of late have been a tease, sometimes rousing my curiosity and pulling me in, other times disturbing or annoying by persistent irritating or provoking! I've lost routine in my studio, that's for sure!
Love the bark!
Thank you! It's my favorite part! This work in progress has mostly been bedeviling me but the creation of the so-called chaos layer, which becomes the tree trunks after i mask that portion off with tape, paint over the tape and the rest of the canvas, and then peel away the tape, was grand fun.
Thanks for posting. Time flies, and I'm glad I see you painting again!
(Today, I painted too. Yes!)
Simone! So happy to hear you painted today!
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