Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Inner Life of Hibernation

Shauna Niequist writes in Present Over Perfect:

Before the day begins—
I remind myself what is true:
that God loves me,
and that there is nothing I can do 
in this new day 
to earn more love—

detail from work in progress
36 x 36", acrylic on canvas


carol edan said...

Welcome! What a wonderful surprise! Wow, Dotty is back teasing us with a snippet of some HUGE canvas! Love the texture!

Sheila said...

For a minute I thought I was looking at real flowers. And what a JOY to see Dotty's flowers and the promise of more in my mailbox. Love the warm hug of Shauna's quote :) Hello Dotty! So HAPPY to see you :)

Laurie Mueller said...

Yay!! Good to see you, my friend. I love the art, and I love the quote.

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Carol, yup—I've come up to the surface and I'm poking about, blinking my eyes. I'm playing around a bit with a huge (for me) canvas that my Secret Santa gave me. One fun thing about the large size is that when I'm up close painting I lose all sense of the 'big picture' and just paint. Glad you're enjoy the texture here.

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Sheila, I'm smiling at your thinking momentarily that you were looking at 'real' flowers (in my banner, I assume you mean)—what you're looking at is a rotated snippet of the tree I posted at the end of December, a tree set in snow, a tree that gave a nod to being a Christmas tree : )

Thank you for your warm joyful welcome as I surface here briefly.

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Thanks, Laurie. Feels funny to be back in the light of day here at my blog, but it's fun to snap a photo of my current playing around on canvas, crop it to remove evidence of all the dark spots and the rust-colored threadlike blemish that my out-of-sorts camera phone insists on supplying to every photo, post, and touch base with my art friends. Glad you enjoyed the quotation; more coming.

Simone said...

Hi Dotty,
What a beautiful poem you quoted there! I am so curious to your big-canvas-experiences!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Simone, hello! More of the passage from Niequist will follow. If you are so curious about my big-canvas experiences, that makes two of us!

Lola (Jen Jovan) said...

oooooooh it is good to see your name sneaking into my email in-box! Hooray! Love this is a message I needed to hear. How did you know? Intrigued by the size of your canvas, and desperately waiting to see the big reveal!!!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Jen, glad Niequist's words resonated with you—they jumped out at me.

Yeah, the size of my canvas: not my usual! I play with it as the spirit moves and circumstances allow. Not sure where to go next with it. Hoping it will tell me.

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