Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Running on Empty

Not for the first time at this point in any given astronomical year, I find myself running on empty, yearning for a snug little cave in which to curl up for a month or two.

This feeling was especially strong yesterday when I called the customer service number for an order gone wrong and was informed by a recorded voice that the wait time to speak with a representative was 209 minutes.



Good night.

In the absence of a suitable cave, I picked up a paint brush.

 WIP, first marks
WIP, layers of greens
WIP, more color and texture
WIP, scribbles


Lola (Jen Jovan) said...

209 minutes? That is criminal! But look what happened...scribbles! WOOT!

Simone said...

I understand your 'cave'-yearning!
And I absolutely love your Jackson-Pollock-like colour explosion. Again, it feels abstract and realistic at the same time to me!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Jen, at first I literally I couldn't even grasp what I was hearing when the computer voice said 209 minutes! Then, I burst out laughing and hung up. I was so grateful for the preposterousness; it brought me to my senses, and I got on with other things. And look what happened : )

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Hi, Simone! Thanks for your feedback about my Jackson-Pollock-like color explosion and my simultaneously-abstract-realistic outpouring. I was so glad to have a brush in my hand after many days away.

carol edan said...

Glad you used those 109 minutes doing something useful.... Christmas spirit shining through!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

I'm still laughing about the 209-minute wait! I wish you could have seen my face when I heard that on my phone. Buh-bye!

Sheila said...

Ha ha... That looks like drizzled chocolate to me. Just the spirit of the candy laced season I suppose. ;)

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Sheila, love that you see drizzled chocolate here: perfect!

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