Today, I made two new pages of lines, and then I started adding layers to all five pages.
I created a first layer of white veil with brayers rolled through paint and then rolled on top of my line drawings, using a smooth rubber brayer on three pages, a sponge brayer on one, and a rubber stamp brayer with raised star shapes on another.
Then, I created a second veiling layer by applying paint on each page with a brush and moving the paint around with a brayer.
Next, I used a dry brush technique to create a third veiling layer of white.
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lines and layers #1 |
Bam! Love being surprised by your Blog banners! Wow you are going to town Dotty! I am liking 2, 4 and 5.... but I am eagerly anticipating seeing where you take them all next :)
Thanks, as ever, for your comments, Sheila. These line and layer paintings are part of a class I'm taking online. Next up, more layers, more lines. I woke up in the night thinking about lines … !
Love seeing your process, Dotty! Seeing these and reading your post is almost like being able to stand over your shoulder and watch you paint! I agree with you about insomnia not being so bad. There are many nights that I end up painting in my head at 2:30am...and if it lasts much longer than 45 min, I get up and go down to the studio and really work. Good stuff happens in the wee hours of the night!
Looking forward to a more Dotty posts!
Hi, Laura! What fun to have a new visitor to my blog—thank you for stopping by and commenting. I appreciated your delight in seeing my process and reading my post. The exercises I'm doing right now are for an online class and I'm feeling a little bit at sea, so your encouragement is most welcome. I did some nocturnal compositions with my head on my pillow just last night—it remains to be seen what comes of that!
I just visited your blog. I especially like Cats Head Creek Marsh. The slice-of-life format is very appealing, as are the colors and compositions. Love your blog's name!
Hi Dotty,
I think you are really working very well on your lines! Are you intending to put even more lines on them?
Thanks, Simone. This assignment is surprising me by feeling a little more like work than play. Maybe I'm taking it too 'seriously'? In any case, I do plan to push myself to do at least 3 or 4 layers of lines and veiling to see what I learn.
Hi Dotty! One good thing about the 30 in 30 challenge is that I am forced to be on the computer every day. I love lines and layers.....but I especially LOVE #3. You put lots of effort into showing progressions, and it's very much appreciated!
Laurie, it's wonderful to be back in more frequent contact—THAT's the gift of the 30in30 as much as any painting! Thanks for your input on my lines and layers, and thanks for affirming the effort of showing progressions; when I'm working on several pieces simultaneously, showing them all AND showing progressions feels kinda cumbersome to say the least. I'm glad for a vote of confidence; you've re-energized me. I'm doing these exercises as part of an online course, and this early work is bedeviling me in many ways.
I like #3, too (even though it has already changed since being posted … )!
Hello. I found your blog through the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge. This comment is more about several posts, than this particular one. I Love all you share about your process. Also I'm interested to find out which course you're doing. It seems very inspiring. (JD as in Jane Davies?). Anyway. I will definitely be back. yours, Corinne
Hi Corinne, thanks for stopping by and commenting, and thank you for your kind words about my sharing of process—process fascinates me.
Yes, Jane Davies, "100 Drawings on Cheap Paper." It's giving me a great run for my money, I tell ya!
It fascinates me too. So that's where we connect I guess.
Thanks, I've been eying her course for some time, but not enough time, not in time before the course is full, and so on. You're impressions do give me reason to make sure to take on of her courses some time. ThankS!
I think Jane offers this class again starting in January …
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