Much as I might gnash my teeth at times when what I create doesn't resonate, I am so grateful to be 'pushed' by my commitment to the class I've started online,
to this adventure to do 10 (ten!) pieces for each lesson,
to really explore one concept again and again,
to be guided by instructor Jangel-(Jane + angel)-on-our-shoulders, nudging us—with force, as needed!—to stay with line, explore LINE (shape and pattern will come later), add layers, go ahead and create more depth, put yourself out on a limb, let go of "finished", try new things!
History of lines and layers #8:
lines and layers #8, 9x12"
started with one fat organic line made with a (new! fun!) paint pen
got attached immediately (stop laughing)
covered the fat line with a layer of white using a matte knife
added a skinnier line
brayered it with more white paint
added some fun calligraphic nothingness
painted white over it with a brush, lifted paint with a sheet of paper
watched my hand create rock faultlines from the coastal shorelines of nova scotia
watched the lines spread into thinner and thinner cracks, splitting just a hair at a time in front of my eyes
painted and lifted, painted and lifted
pulled some of the black more sharply forward
created a white calligraphic line to echo the earlier black one
History of lines and layers #9:
lines and layers #9, 9x12"
started with another new paint pen, making a long continuous looping, looping, looping line
added skinny straight tangential lines, totally got into flow, felt like I was 5 years old with strands of hair flying out of my braids all over the place
got attached (I know, I know)
covered much of the linework with paint and brayer
used a big fat paint marker line: way fun; in the flow
brayered over it, attachment be damned!
went back in with a fat paint marker, using the edge of the wide nib, letting intuition move my hand
sponge-painted some areas with white to push them back (disappointing results)
veiled with tissue paper (softened and helped a bit)
brought tidbits of the loops up to the surface again
traced a beaded white line onto the big fat paint marker line from three layers ago
WOW, ten??? High five to you Dottie! Oh that hideous attachment, hahaha.
Hi Dotty,
Try another time:
Good of you that you finished them all ten!
I struggled a bit through mine...
Up we go to assignment nr 2 ;-)
Sheila, I just have to laugh at how quickly I get attached to one element or another when I'm painting! It's a wonder I move on at all.
I'm still working on #10 today! I've struggled off and on throughout this whole assignment but I do value having a framework and accountability for really exploring a concept again and again. For sure, I'm going to have to find a way to work more efficiently if I'm going to stay with this class for 10 weeks!
Yay for layers, Yay for lines!
What a great thing to do. Inspires me to try something different!
Yay for your enthusiasm, yay for your encouragement!
Thanks : )
Wow, ten pieces for each lesson??? Sounds daunting! Onward Dotty, it won't be the first time you've impressed me.
Hi Joje, thanks for popping in to say hello. Indeed, 10 pieces for each lesson, i.e. 10 pieces per week for 10 weeks! I'm glad for your faith in me and your encouragement : )
funny on my PC I can't comment but on my phone seems to be working. Love your work in lines...interesting concepts.
Thanks, Carol! Hard work it's been, I must say, sticking just to lines and layers, but the class is pushing me to get braver with obscuring.
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