Monday, September 26, 2016

Variety, B&W, Day 4

I've stopped playing with my first five studies from Lesson 4, thereby fulfilling the following explicit parts of the instructions:

The main goal of each piece is to create variety.
Not unity. Not having it “balanced.” Not having it “hang together." 
It is totally OK to end up with pieces that feel unresolved, raw, unfinished. 


Simone said...

You really did the assignment! Isn't it freeing to just follow the instrucions? I more and more start to see that. And you actually showed me that way, because I missed Jane's instructions again and again ;-)

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Simone, thanks for your affirming comments! I'm surprised by how hard it's been to follow the lesson instructions because there are many parts, including videos, to take into account. Before this class I would have said I'm good at following directions, but I'm discovering I'm not as good as I'd thought!

carol edan said...

In spite of the fact that you have many diverse shapes,patterns,and textures, they all seem to hold together. Maybe that is part of the lesson! I am truly amazed at quantity and quality of the patterns. Kudos!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Carol, thanks for your comments. I'm ready for a long nap, methinks! I appreciate your support and cheering.

Sheila said...

Dotty, I got lost in each of these. So wonderful, your marks and compositions! You rock Black and White!

Corinne Bekker said...

Wonderful pieces, so much visual interest.

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Sheila, thanks for your feedback—glad I gave you plenty to get lost in. It was a challenging exercise in many ways.

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Corinne, thank you! I had fun with a number of these once I got to the final layer with more intricate detailing.

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