Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Rough Patch

OK, all the spaces in my Core Values grid now have paint on them.

But several of the patches have served as no more than a convenient place to unload last bits of excess paint from my brush. Shall I leave these rough patches as is or develop them?

Throwing caution to the wind, I decide I'll develop one that thus far has been a respository for pinks, yellows, and oranges:

I mix up a palette, slap new paint on the patch, tear some print collage and affix it, toss some India ink into the mix.

patch in progress

I like it!

But it's a start, not a finish.


carol edan said...

L love it too! So dynamic,colorful and enjoying! Love pinks and oranges..... love the lettering. Wonder what surprise is next?

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Thanks, Carol. I really like playing/painting with print collage—and I guess my use of it here (did you enlarge this photo? I used a BUNCH of collage) is proof that I genuinely like process, because I added all that collage (carefully and thoughtfully collected) with great enjoyment and a happy dance of intuition/application of design knowledge, ALL THE WHILE knowing it was most likely going to end up hidden under paint in the near future!

Lola (Jen Jovan) said...

Wowzers! Here you go again! Love the burst of energy in the work in progress. I am quite fascinated by this work in patches. A large piece with so many interesting places to look. And the process is always a surprise!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Yes, a burst of fresh vibrant energy—I had energy to GIVE it, and I received energy FROM it. Win, win!

Almost everything about this work in patches has been a surprise to me.

Thanks for your fascination and folowing along : )

Sheila said...

Love this pretty start, so much HAPPY :)

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Thanks, Sheila. It was a happy start in the making, too. Fell together easily and with delight.

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