Oh my gosh, it's been one of those days where something deep inside wants out. Don't know what it is. It may not know what it is. Just know it hasn't shown up yet on my canvas.
I gessoed over the patch I'd been working on the past two days, expanded to three contiguous patches, and then turned my energy to not getting bucked by the reckless horse that's running roughshod with me on its back.
A true kaleidoscope! Since I am in "Studio" mode it looks like you pointed your mouse over various options of filters and colors! Oh wonderful gesso, starting all a new! I absolutely love your line sketch. I gather this is still working.... seems a whirlpool of options!
Love that you saw this sequence in "Studio" mode, as a series of different filters on the same piece—which I guess it is, in a real v. virtual manifestation!
God bless gesso and my willingness to stay curious about where my actions might take me. A whirlpool of options for sure.
Thanks so much for your comments and support, Carol.
a three-patch patch! WHOA! This changes everything! Anything could happen! I agree with Carol...looks like different filters! Gesso...the great restart button.
Oh - this is an interesting shape - the 3 squares and I find the shapes within it interesting too. Short of standing on my head I took a look at this from all directions and there is lots of good happening here! Were you thinking 'landscape' when you were sketching? Love the sketch has so much energy!
A true kaleidoscope! Since I am in "Studio" mode it looks like you pointed your mouse over various options of filters and colors! Oh wonderful gesso, starting all a new! I absolutely love your line sketch. I gather this is still working.... seems a whirlpool of options!
Love that you saw this sequence in "Studio" mode, as a series of different filters on the same piece—which I guess it is, in a real v. virtual manifestation!
God bless gesso and my willingness to stay curious about where my actions might take me. A whirlpool of options for sure.
Thanks so much for your comments and support, Carol.
a three-patch patch! WHOA! This changes everything! Anything could happen! I agree with Carol...looks like different filters! Gesso...the great restart button.
Yup, a three-patch patch. Yup, changes everything. Opens different doors. So funny and fun that these iterations look like different filters.
Thank goodness for gesso.
Thank YOU for saying hey : )
Oh - this is an interesting shape - the 3 squares and I find the shapes within it interesting too. Short of standing on my head I took a look at this from all directions and there is lots of good happening here! Were you thinking 'landscape' when you were sketching? Love the sketch has so much energy!
On goes the search that we discussed with my previous iteration!
I was indeed thinking landscape, roughly, when I was sketching. Thanks for your nod to the energy in the sketch.
Always amazed that you so easily cover up your work and start over. Your work, inspiring once again. FEARLESS without a doubt .
"so easily," "FEARLESS" hahahahaha! But I do it, and I'm grateful that others are inspired, and comment, because THEY inspire ME!
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