On May 13, 1950, a man welcomed his first child into the world—on his 24th birthday. Today that child is 66. Today that man is 90. Today they're hanging out together in Maine (along with daughter #5), kicking up their heels and having a grand time.
Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to Futh!
As is my custom, birthday or not, when I visit Futh in Maine I bring postcard starts prepared ahead of traveling. This time I started with a 4x10" piece of manila stock, painted it up with colors and shapes, and collaged a bunch of tissue paper.
4x10" manila stock with acrylic and collaged tissue |
This afternoon I cut the start in half, added a few touches of line and quiet pattern to both halves, and rustled up two postcards!
Postcard 24 4x5", acrylic, collage, ink, and wax pastel on manila stock abstract 2016 [not for sale] |
Postcard 25 4x5", acrylic, collage, ink, and wax pastel on manila stock abstract 2016 [not for sale] |
Happy birthday to that sweet man and his lovely first daughter! I see a 45 rpm record in postcard 24. What song does it play?
It's playing Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier. Do you remember our record player in the den in Cranford? LOVE that you've evoked this memory with your comment! And thanks for your birthday wishes : )
I remember that record player and now I'm singing along with you to Davy Crockett!
Born on a mountain top in Tennessee …
Greenest state in the land of the free...
Happy Birthday, Dotty! It's my mother's bday as well. Hope you had fabulous day. How cool that you were born on your father' birthday. Enjoy family time! Cool postcards..love the depth and the filmy light area in the front.
Your mom's bday is May 13 also? Awesome! Thanks for your kind wishes. We had a terrific day.
Fun for me that you noticed and liked the filmy light area in the front. Getting myself to load up my brayer with white paint and mask something I've already painted and already like still takes a push from me, but those gauzy areas rewarded my courage and they encourage me to keep experimenting.
Happy JOYOUS birthday to you both! (late) Love this post, and love that you both were hearing that song... And now I will for the rest of the day. I can see the movie opening in my mind. LOL.
I love that gauzy area too, and I have to say, I think these both look like museum quality works of art! :)
Sheila, thanks for sharing in birthday and post-birthday joy.
Joany and I are glad to gave you belting out Davy Crockett with us! Love that you can see the movie opening in your mind. Was it on Wide World of Disney on TV? I have a memory as well.
Glad for another vote for the gauzy area. Here's to more!
Thank you so much for your kind words about museum quality work. Music to my ears (different from Davy Crockett music!).
Dotty, Happy Happy belated birthday! I hope it was a wonderful day!!I like Corinna's term "filmy". It looks dreamlike. And the colors....beautiful.
Laurie, thanks for your birthday wishes and art comments. Birthday was just the best. The 'filmy' bit in my collages reminds me of voile sheers at an open window billowing in response to gentle breezes. Glad you like the colors—they were a pleasant surprise to me, coming as they did mostly from leftovers on my stay-wet palette vs. any use of color theory or planning.
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