While in Virginia visiting Meg and family over Independence Day weekend, we set off towards a playground with the side agenda of my hoping to snag a few Shenandoah Valley scenes on my camera for later painting. We misgauged our approaching-lunchtime blood sugar levels and the kids' tolerance for waiting in the car while I shot photos, and didn't plan at
all for me to lose a favorite earring somewhere in the countryside.
However, the outing was not for naught.
Painting from one of those photos this week provided a powerful antidote to the homesickness I feel whenever we say goodbye to Meg, Michael, Caroline, and Emmy. While I painted, I was with them again.
Another Way Home
6x6", acrylic on gessobord
Love it! Was this the driveway we parked on while you took pictures at the lost-earring stop?
It was! I'm grateful that some beauty and joy came out of that somewhat misbegotten outing!
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