Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Third in a Series

I am once again mesmerized and astonished by the creative process. I take my very limited palette of acrylics and mix up various combinations, apply several masses of color onto paper with brushes, scribble with pens and pencils, trim the edges of the paper, and collage a few found bits and bobs into place. 

Any "thinking" I do en route is fully abstract, completely apart from representing concrete realities or specific objects. Intuition is the driver, and its attention rests solely—and with the lightest of touches—on color, contrast, and composition.

So how is it that now, in viewing shape, scribble, and collage, I feel story tickling the back of my mind? How is it that I see wheels, snow, shadows, cart tracks, a wooden hay wagon of the sort that would be horse-drawn? How is it that I feel the sharp bite of dry winter air? Hear the squeak and crunch of weight breaking through an icy surface of snow?

Where does this stuff come from!

Step Back, Crouch Down, and Walk Around Everything
5 x 7"; acrylic, ink, pencil, graphite,
oil pastel, and collage on paper
abstract scribble study


Sheila said...

Love your title!! Sow, bite, crunch, wind... YES! ;o)

carol edan said...

The story is always different with each viewer. Some look for associations, other look for the play of color, shapes, and scribbles. Now what is that fish looking for?

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Sheila, thanks for noticing the title. I have fun with that part of my painting process.

dotty seiter: now playing said...

That fish! What IS it looking for … and seeing?! I knew you'd spy something I hadn't : )

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