I ask you, does moo.com start with a hay-scented heaven? I think not.

I began with some free-form scribbles and a bunch of torn-paper collage. From there I painted and stenciled and added pastel until I was ready to head to the paper trimmer.
Ta da!
So cool Dotty!!!
Really great idea! How did you add the printed stuff? Stamp/stecil? On my list buy trimmer!
Thanks, Sheila. Really fun, and they had their first public appearance last evening, to good effect : )
Carol, thank you.
I handwrote the cards, a very enjoyable task done at my dad's house over our mutual birthday weekend while chatting with him and my sisters. My name and business name on front; blog, instagram, and email address on back.
I invested in a paper trimmer probably 25+ years ago. LOVE IT. Cannot imagine a household without one. Use it all the time for so many things.
WOW! These are fabulous! Full confession - I use MOO. But I need about 500 a year, and no way I have time to make my own. :( Plus, I don't have your MAD SKILLS, woman! Or a paper trimmer. But now I want one.
Thanks for your appreciation of my bus. cards, Jen. I love the quality of Moo's work, but I was such a happy camper under current circumstances to make my own by hand. I have needed no bus. cards up to this point (or maybe I have but didn't know it!), and figured I needed only a few dozen for right now, so DIY it was. They got their public debut last evening and were well-received.
No paper trimmer? Unthinkable!
So much fun to see your business cards!!!!
Thank you!
As I'm guessing you may have deduced, I have an artist friend in the Netherlands who inspired me to make my own. And doing so was SO much fun and SO much more relaxing than jumping through various online computer hoops : )
These are great Dotty! At one time I made my own, but couldn't keep up with numbers - decided I would rather be painting. Moo is my go to - (I have tried other printers but the quality doesn't come close for me). I do have a paper trimmer(s) - getting a little dusty! Have a great day!
Thanks, Janet. Making my own was the way to go right now but I'll be happy when I can't keep up with the numbers and switch over to Moo : )
I'm curious, how do business cards get used these days? I'm surprised they haven't gone largely out of use due to internet; I mostly do NOT p.u. people's business cards b/c I'd rather put the info directly into my phone and then laptop.
I use mine wherever. I always carry them with me and will exchange with other artists at workshops, meetings, donations made to charity fundraisers (will give them multiple cards for people to pick up), when asked for contact info from another business - out comes the card. I have the 'mini moo' and square ize. I am getting pretty good at judging who should get the small version or the 'deluxe' - the square with the rounded corners are a real eye catcher. When exchanging cards the first reaction - 'wow are these cards ever nice, I really like your artwork, do you sell your work, do you have your work in a gallery, and the conversation keeps going. It is a two way conversation and I have made some great artist friends along the way as well as connecting with others outside the art world. Have they increased my sales....hmmm...can't really comment on that as I am just getting back into the marketing side of art. I have two sales coming up this fall so will see if handing out the the business cards makes a difference. Hope this helps.
Janet, I'm so glad I asked, and asked YOU, since you have a wealth of info and experience. Thanks for sharing so graciously. VERY helpful.
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