Got out my color wheel today. Revisited complementary and analogous colors; tint, hue, and tone; warm and cool colors; color scheme and color harmony.
Thought about composition. Focal point. Movement.
Made decisions that would allow me to use the dusky purple section of a 2015 calendar without letting any dates show.
Watched two artists' video demonstrations that energized my own self-expression.
Such a tiny playground. Such big fun.
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Paper Prayer 27 2x5.5", acrylic and wax pastels on watercolor paper abstract 2015 [not for sale] |
Love it, wonderful movement Dotty :)
Thanks, Sheila. This little painting just painted itself happily through my hand and brush and pastels. Always grateful for those gifts of flow.
Very nice :)
Thanks, Cindy. The real fun of this little paper prayer bookmark is that it was a perfect match for the cover of the book I just read!
I love the complements, here, Dotty. And what a cool idea!
Thanks, Laurie. I've been having fun poking around in all sorts of different directions with my painting of late, as you've no doubt noticed. This one was a pleasure to paint/create and has been a pleasure to revisit again and again as I use it as a bookmark.
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