My days are robustly, resoundingly, generously, (sometimes) overwhelmingly, and unfailingly filled-to-the-brim of late.
I bookmark moments as I move through each day.
This morning:
• smoothing out blanket wrinkles together with Dave while we make our bed first thing;
• walking at 445a in a world filled with birdsong and sunrise and fresh air;
• searching high and low for—and then locating!—at Stop & Shop the sandwich 'slider' rolls requested by Caroline for her upcoming visit;
• writing up reminders for my tutorial schedule for next week;
• plucking a ripe ripe red red strawberry from our garden and popping its burst of juice in my mouth;
• restocking toilet paper in our bathrooms; and
• making a bookmark—an actual physical bookmark for marking a stopping/starting place in a book—from a postcard I painted earlier this year.
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Not Following National News 1.75 x 5.75" bookmark; acrylic, ink, pencil, and collage on cardstock abstract 2021 |