Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Psalm Sequitur

Look what falls into my lap while poking around a file for something else today:

“I once knew this little girl,” 

Father Barry was saying, 

“who had to do a reading in church. 

She’d memorized the Twenty-third Psalm. 

And she got up, 

all confidence, 

and she began, 

‘The Lord is my shepherd ...’ 

And she was stuck. 

She tried again. 

‘The Lord is my shepherd ...’ 

And she couldn’t remember another thing. 

And so she just looked out 

at the congregation 

and said, 

‘Well, that’s enough for now.’ 

And that, I think, 

is going to have to be the way 

we all approach this ...”

The words of that little excerpt from Jacquelyn Mitchard's A Theory of Relativity turn out to be just the right words for me, right here, right now.



carol edan said...

‘Well, that’s enough for now.’
And that, I think,
is going to have to be the way
we all approach this ...”
Really says it all! Such wize words! A glimpse of the fields! Was this a cutout from a larger piece? Nice use of directional lines to make this glimpse complete.

Joany Kendra said...

Yes, yes, yes and Amen!

Lola (Jen Jovan) said...

omg that's precious and perfect! "Well, that's enough for now." That needs to go on my wall.

dotty seiter: now playing said...

[oops, wrote a reply but I'm in a setting with unreliable wifi. trying again: … ]

Carol, yes, a cutout from a larger piece, a bit of a found composition from a piece created about six years ago, inspired by time with a friend of my mom's shortly after my mom died. Thanks for your attention to the directional lines.

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Joje, yes, yes, yes to Chrome's letting you publish a comment! Thank you for your sweet response to my post.

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Jen, thank you for pinning that's-enough-for-now to MY wall by reflecting it back to me!

Simone said...

Beautiful! Love your bookmark, by the way ;-)! There's a whole world to discover in the shape/size of a bookmark. One day, I'll go there and try things out!

Sheila said...

Ohhhh, it is on the tip of my feeble mind. I famous line, in a famous movie that I love. Maybe I will wake up tomorrow and remember! Haha. ;:) A gentleman saying, "that's all I have to say about that." I love her confident save! And I love your bookmark. The movement reminds me of the strong winds these last couple of days. Yup, there is wind ini that there sky! :)

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Simone, thanks for your comments. There IS a whole world to discover in the shape/size of a bookmark. I keep coming back to them, as you know!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Forrest Gump: I sure wish it wasn't.
Himself: That's about all I got to say bout that.

It's a real gift to make a confident save in response to a stumble when speaking publicly!

Refreshing wind 'in that there sky': yes!

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