Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Core Values

OK, I might be working for quite awhile on the big piece of foam core I've got going—I think it needs a working title for the duration, so I'm going with Core Values.

I could also call it Crazy Quilt since I seem to be approaching it patchwork style, adding this and that willy-nilly as the spirit moves me. Today's patch:

newest patch painted onto grid-format work-in-progress
detail from today's patch
today's patch as seen in the context
of a larger section of the work in progress;
working title: Core Values 


carol edan said...

What a great lesson in proportion and relationship! Now if that piece was just a 6 x 6 ", get those black pieces OUT> but seeing the it in its more "natural" works or will work!
You could also name it --Lifelong Passions and Skills. Real "core values" What delight that I can write and publish my comment!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Enjoying your commentary, Carol! Thank you for persisting in pushing through computer conundrums to do so.

Yes, fascinating to be experimenting with a substrate of this huge (for me) size, and a grid format in which I'm making little to no effort to make the various patches work with each other. Thus far, I am just using each demarcated space to try my hand at whatever emerges on a given day. I paint, and then I step back and see what the newly altered whole looks like.

Simone said...

Hi Dotty, I absolutely LOVE the name of the painting. And it is fun to see the letters/characters appear in your work!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Glad you like the working name for this painting, Simone!

I laugh periodically at my incorporating the letters/characters. Sometimes I do so just to have the textural benefit of collage—I slap any old anything on the substrate assuming I will paint over it (although I soon become 'attached'!). Other times I realize I'm investing intention, choosing text collage thoughtfully to contribute to the current composition I happen to be developing, and I wonder why I do so when I know that I am likely to paint over that also, thereby 'wasting' precious pieces of specialized text collage that have colored backgrounds.

All part of the process, all part of engaging with not knowing.

Janet Bradish said...

Great title! I find these fascinating - they are small but pack a big punch of colour, texture, marks, some collage, etc. I am glad you aren't 'matching' the squares but do you find it hard to paint next to one and not try to create some continuity? I am getting a feeling that all the painting you have been doing is leading you somewhere (I don't know where but am looking forward to the 'somewhere') and it will be great! Big/small, transparent/opaque, colours/neutrals, white space/filled space - my list could go on - but you are covering it all in core values and your painting just keeps getting stronger! Paint on Dotty!!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Janet, thank you for your cheerleading—gratefully received!

To my amusement and delight, I've felt next to no pull to try to create any continuity—at least thus far. My original loose thought with Core Values was to just paint a grid, with each block a relatively ‘solid’ color, and then gesso loosely over the whole thing and try out some kind of big single landscapy-ish painting. I wasn't expecting to create this crazy-quilt collection of individual sketches, several of which I'm really liking and which I'll probably find hard to cover. So, it remains to be seen where Core Values will lead me.

I'm especially grateful for your comment that you get a feeling that all the painting I've been doing is leading me somewhere. A short while ago I had an opportunity to hang my work in a local coffee shop, signed on to do so, and then backed out b/c I realized I was desperate to feel free to follow my nose and not aim for ANYthing.

So that is what I'm doing!

Sheila said...

There is a whole world in that patch. Really enjoyed reading the comments and your responses. Dotty you are, I keep using the word inspiring, but I am going to have to check the thesaurus. Seems that does not say enough. What chutzpah, to NOT show your work, for the reason of being true to yourself. That is huge Dotty. ;)

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Isn't it amazing how there can be a whole world in such a tiny space?

Sheila, thank you so much for your thoughtful on-target recognition of how big it was for me to turn away from the opportunity to show my work when I realized it wasn't the next right thing for me to be doing. When I sent the email to release myself from that opportunity I felt giddy with relief! That's actually what sparked me to start mucking about with this huge piece of foam core—I needed something LARGE to contain my feelings!

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