And then made a conscious decision to stop before I added too much.
Love the smudges of red that came into the composition unintentionally as I worked.
Ready and waiting to serve in its role as postcard:
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Postcard 22 4x5", acrylic, ink, and wax pastels on manila stock abstract 2016 [not for sale] |
I like what this looks like. I chuckled where you said you decided to stop before you added too much. It brought me back to our scrap-booking mantra years ago, "less is more." I agree!
Yes! The scrapbooking mantra carries its weight to this day! Thanks for stopping by to comment on my newest postcard : )
Great title for the design and the knowledge behind it!
Thanks, Gillian! Great fun playing with pattern, texture, color and simplicity here. I don't know if you've read past posts about my postcards—during the last six months of my mom's life last year, I wrote her a handmade postcard (usually cut from old calendar posters) every few days. In January I began painting my postcards and sending one to my dad about every 5 days or so. They make terrific, small, low-risk canvases for me to experiment.
OOOUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such a surprise, opening the email to be greeted by such awesomeness! Bold and dramatic, but softened perfectly by your smudgy finger painting. LOVE it!
Love that you're enjoying with me both the graphic bold-and-dramatic AND the soft smudgy fingerpainting. Thanks, Sheila!
Dotty this is so much different than what you were struggling with, when, yesterday? It's great. Love the composition.
Thanks for your comments, Ann. I'm all over the place, wouldn't you say? I remember waaaaay back before our retreat weekend at Sylvia's, you asked her to send pix of a few of her paintings, and you commented that she already had a style. I'm thinking I don't have a style YET!!!
Dotty, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! You continue to force me to say "my new favorite"! :)
And it's great as your banner!
Thanks, thanks, thanks, Laurie—laughing that you keep changing your "favorite"! I seem to have a bit of graphic design in me, don'tcha think?
Thanks for noticing my changed banner. I'd selected the previous painting because I wanted to feature a painting done in my early days pre-blog, but I wasn't loving it as my banner, so time to change!
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