Exercising, putting away winter decorations, cleaning the shower in the master bathroom (once every 4-5 years whether it needs it or not), preparing food, meeting Nicky for coffee, meditating, talking on the phone with Sylvia, tutoring, and painting.
I return to the second of my practicing nonattachment paintings today. As the spirit moves me—and it's a little sluggish today, I take halting steps in between other activities. Sometimes I sit in front of the painting and do nothing. Sometimes I make changes. I have no clear direction yet.
I'll call this Scrappy for now.
Work in progress:

I like your explorations. I really believe that how more we do this kind of just trying out, wandering around, scratching, painting, glueing stuff on it, our art in general develops... It is really nice to see the painting developing when I scroll down!
Simone, your words of encouragement are welcome. I am so stuck with this painting right now. Your words invite me to take heart! To just wander around, scratch, paint, glue stuff on …
Love the middles, 4, 5, 6. And then you keep going and I keep liking the new directions. The circles and scribbles are drawing me in. But I am not getting attached, I know you very well might make a U-turn cover them up and surprise us all :) Lovely journey Dotty :)
Sheila, thanks for your thoughtful comments. I'm deep in the mud here, with my boots just about getting sucked off my feet each time I take a step! I take heart from your cheering me on from the side lines! Laughed out loud at your not getting attached! Good idea!
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