Did a first run through the exercise a couple of weeks ago.
Wanted to try my hand at another abstract landscape following the same guidelines.
Felt loose and spontaneous with the initial collaging.

Covered collage with a loose wash, no hesitation. Created a rough demarcation for horizon.

Added color. Painted loosely.

Experimented: applied no paint to collaged horizon; made horizon sloped and deep.

Observed: fussiness with collaging.
Observed: loss of attention to values.
Experimented: changed values; fiddled with pastels in foreground and background.

Chopped exercise into pieces.

Threw whole excercise over the horizon! Buh-bye!
I love the showing of progression, Dotty....but you are a nut and you make me laugh!
Always glad to inspire laughter, and I'm laughing with you, Laurie! This piece was bugging the living daylights out of me so I chopped it up and tossed it in a pile on the table in my studio. I've actually since gone on to use one square of it as an enclosure card with a gift. I'm imagining the remaining pieces will also go on to new life of some sort eventually.
This one made me laugh, too!
Glad to keep my followers smiling!
LOL, love how you take a throw away and STILL find ways to use it elsewhere.
I'm a diehard, that's for sure!
Hi Dotty, your process made me laugh, but also very curious: what's going on?
with love!
Simone, I appreciate your curiosity. The short answer is that (1) I had some difficulty understanding the assignment (which turned out to be entirely my own fault) and (2) working on composition while also working with collage, which is new to me, has proved to be challenging.
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