Sunday, April 24, 2016

A SNeries, Day 2

Here's where I left off yesterday—cadmium red medium hue, cerulean blue, cadmium yellow light hue, and titanium white, all heavy body, along with pencil scribbles, on canvas paper.

With inquisitiveness as my traveling companion, I add mars black and scribble in it before it dries, using a tool whose name I don't know—I think it's an embossing stylus for use with metal foils. No idea how I came to own it.

Wonder next what will happen if I paint fluid quinacridone nickel azo gold over the cad yellow. Oo—like that yellow better. Then grab the quinacridone gold again along with a spray bottle of water, and let some color drip its way across the paintings.

Mix up some quinacridone gold, titanium white, and acrylic glazing liquid. Use a brayer to soften and veil, and scribble in the wet paint again with my embossing stylus.

More PaperMate penciling, and some Sharpie shape-adding.

Have to stop for the day.

So curious to know what will come next!

p.s. The embossing stylus:


Sheila said...

Cooler and cooler by the minute. Your experimentation is so fun!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Once again, grateful for your cheerleading as I venture onto ever less familiar turf.

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