Wednesday, September 11, 2019

In the Practice of It

I took my 18 x 24" page of preliminary mark-making started in early July and ran with it for several days.

I began following an idea of wanting to paint abstracted wildflowers in a field of grasses.

work in progress
18 x 24"; ink, acrylic, and latex


carol edan said...

Just commented on previous post and up pops a new edition! Love the thumbnail image which really shows the delicate flowers. It's like when you view the original from afar. Getting in closer one sees the interplay of squares and circles, lines describing shapes. No wondering how will Dotty cut this up?

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Carol—(1) thanks for feedback re interplay of squares and circles, lines describing shapes, and (2) you are wise to wonder what I will do next (we have to wonder together b/c typically I am not any more in the know than you!

Lola (Jen Jovan) said...

Thanks to Carol's comment, I clicked on the image to see what she was talking about...and BAM! All the geometry appears! From a distance, ethereal, ambiguous flowers. Up close, a nudge-nudge-wink-wink of whimsy and shape!

dotty seiter: now playing said...

Jen, appreciate your choice of words here: ethereal/ambiguous and whimsy/shape. Thanks!

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